WOD 14.05.15

Front Squat

3-3-3 @ 85 %

Every minute on the minute for max rounds

5 Clapping push ups

15 Kb swings

each minute thereafter add 1 rep to push ups, continue until failure.

3 x max T2B

3 x max Ring dips

WOD 12.05.15

Back squat

4-4-4-4-4 @ 75 %

For max rep

10′ time cap

30 Clean (30/20 kg)

30 Clean (40/30 kg)

30 Clean (50/40 kg)

max rep Clean (60/50 kg)

WOD 09.05.15

”Quarter Gone Bad”

Five rounds for total reps of:
135 pound Thruster, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
50 pound Weighted pull-up, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

WOD 08.05.15


1-1-1-1-1 @ 90 %

In teams of 2


10 Thrusters

10 Sit ups

One athlete will do 60 Double unders while the other completes as many rounds/reps of the AMRAP as possible. The athletes will then switch, with the athlete coming off the run picking up right where the other athlete left off.