
Rope Climb
3×5 scaled appropriately

For time
25 Double unders
25 Box jumps
25 KB sumo high pulls
25 Back extensions
25 Push-ups
25 Dumbbell snatch, each arm
25 Broad jumps
25 KB swings

WOD 11.12.15

AMRAP in 4 minutes

20 bicycles (l + r = 1 rep)
15 butterfly position situps
10 double crunches

Push press



21-15-9 for time

Clean (60kg)

Ring Dips

WOD 9.12.15

Front squat

Team WOD
For time
400 Squats
300 MB sit-ups (9/6kg)
200 Ground-to-overhead (30/15kg)
100 Burpees

The team can only have ONE participant “working” at a time.
The team has to complete ALL air squats before moving onto the next phase of situps, etc.
Teammates do NOT have to do equal work.

WOD 5.12.15


Tabata Row

1 Minute Rest

Tabata Air Squat

1 Minute Rest

Tabata Pull-ups

1 Minute Rest

Tabata Push-ups

1 Minute Rest

Tabata Sit-ups (abmat)

8 Tabata Interval (20 secs on and 10 secs off). Tabata score is the lowest reps performed in any of the intervals.

WOD 4.12.15

Back squat

AMRAP 4 minutes
30 bicycle crunches (left + right = 1 rep)
20 leg raises
10 hollow rocks
5 V-ups

Max rounds in 3 minutes
2x Ground to overhead
15x Double-unders
Rest 2:00 after completion, repeat for 3 rounds total