WOD 19.01.16
A. 10 minute EMOM (Each Minute On a Minute)
5 Overhead squat
3 – 7 Toes to bar
B. 10 minute EMOM (Each Minute On a Minute)
5 Power snatch
20 Double unders
C. 5 Rounds for time
18 Wall ball
12 Deadlift
A. 10 minute EMOM (Each Minute On a Minute)
5 Overhead squat
3 – 7 Toes to bar
B. 10 minute EMOM (Each Minute On a Minute)
5 Power snatch
20 Double unders
C. 5 Rounds for time
18 Wall ball
12 Deadlift
A. Backsquat, build to a heavy set of 5
B. then 3 x 10@75% of heavy 5
C. 3 rounds for time
10 Power cleans@60/40
15 Burpee
50 DU
A. Front squat + Thruster
1 + 1
build to heavy set
B. For time
Power clean (40/30kg)
Box jumps
A. Build to a heavy tripe push jerk
40 pull ups
30 STOH 50/30
30 pull ups
30 stoh@60/40
20 pull ups
30 STOH@70/55
10 pull ups
Max STOH@80/60
A. EMOM 10
5 power clean + 3 push jerks
B. EMOM 16
1 – 20 sit ups
2 – 10 burpee + 10 KB swings
A. front squat up to a heavy set of 3 for the day
B. then 3 x 10@70% of heavy 3
9 thrusters@42/30
12 C2B
15 Box Jump
A. Build to a heavy single power snatch
Then 5 x 1@90%
5 x 2@80%
B. 3 rounds for time
21 T2B
15 Clusters@50/35
In teams of 2 complete the following
Run 1600 mt
150 burpee box overs
150 Kb Swings@24/16
150 K2E
150 Air squats
A. Build to a heavy set of the complex
1 push press
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
B. 13.2 AMRAP 10
5 stoh@52/35 kg
10 deadlift
15 box jumps
Every 2:30 x 3
60 D.U.
20 goblet squat
Rest 2:30
Every 2:30 x 3
60 D.U.
15 C2B
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)