WOD 18.11.16

In partners,
Every minute for 10 rounds:
10 Power cleans *5 each

Start at 40/30 and ascend in weight.

AMRAP 10, in partners:
10 Power clean at 80% of final weight
20 Toes to bar
30 Push ups
Partition as desired.

WOD 16.11.16


For time, with a partner, relay through each movement:
50 Double unders
25 Double KB or DB front rack lunge
40 Double unders
20 Lunges
30 Double unders
15 Lunges
20 Double unders
10 Lunges
10 Double unders
5 Lunges

While your partner goes, hold a static plank.

WOD 15.11.16

30 Burpees
Remainder of time
20 KB swings 24/16
20 Wall balls

Overhead Squat
3×5, Ascending

Snatch Balance
3×3, Ascending

Hang Squat
3×1, Ascending

WOD 12.11.16

Six rounds for time of:
50 Squats
25 Ring dips

3 rounds of
6 push press
12 burpees
40 jump rope singles
3 rounds of
6 push press
6 burpees
6 tuck jumps

WOD 10.11.16

0:00 to 8:00
15 Thrusters 50/30
90 DU
12 Thrusters
60 DU
9 Thrusters
30 DU

4 Minute Rest Before:

12:00 until 20:00
21-15-9 [8 Min Cap]
Front Squat 50/30
Toe to Bar

WOD 09.11.16

3 Rounds
5 Bar Muscle Up [Jumping Bar Muscle up; Chest to Bar; Strict Pull Up; Ring Row]
10 Power Clean 60/40
20 Box Jump
10 C2B Pull Up [Kipping Pull Up; Ring Row with Feet Further Back]
5 Power Snatch 60/40