WOD 30.11.17

Split Jerk
8×1 @80-90%

5 Round
AMRAP 2 Minutes
10 Clean and Jerk
Max Push ups in remaining time
Rest 2:00
C&J Weights:
R1 60/35
R2 70/45
R3 80/55
R4 90/65
R5 100/75

WOD 27.11.17

Clean and Jerk
6×3 @75-80%

For Time
80 Alternating Pistol
60 Single Arm Push Press @25/15
40 Ring Dip
Share the single arm work evenly on both sides. Switch every 10 or 15 reps

WOD 24.11.17

Sumo Deadlift

On a 15-minute clock, for max reps each round:
From 0:00-3:00, run 400 meters then do kb Swings 24/16
Rest 1 minute
From 4:00-7:00, run 400 meters then do clean and jerks 50/30
Rest 1 minute
From 8:00-11:00, run 400 meters then do Burpees
Rest 1 minute
From 12:00-15:00, run 400 meters then do clean and jerks 50/30

WOD 22.11.17

Back Squat
Work up to a heavy single over 90%
5×3 @90%

3 Round
AMRAP 5 Minutes
10 Handstand Push ups
5 Squat Snatch 70/50
2 MU
Rest 2:00

WOD 18.11.17

Four sets of:
Bench Press x 6-8 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Ring Rows x 8-10 reps

In teams of three, alternating complete rounds, complete five rounds each of:
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Goblet Squats