WOD 30.03.18
EMOM 10:00
1 Squat Clean and Jerk @80% 1RM
3 Round
25 Thruster 45/35lbs
400 mt Run
EMOM 10:00
1 Squat Clean and Jerk @80% 1RM
3 Round
25 Thruster 45/35lbs
400 mt Run
5rep @75, 5rep @80, 5rep @85
AMRAP 12 Minutes
3 C&J 70/50
Squat Snatch
5×3 @80%
AMRAP 10 Minutes
4 Power Clean 60/35
8 Front rack kb Lounge 24/16
12 Kb Swing 24/16
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 thrusters
3 chest-to-bar pull up
6 thrusters
6 chest-to-bar pull up
9 thrusters
9 chest-to-bar pull up
12 thrusters
12 chest-to-bar pull up
15 thrusters
15 chest-to-bar pull up
18 thrusters
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc
Men 100 lb
Women 65 lb
Men 65 lb, jumping chin-over-bar pull up
Women 45 lb, jumping chin-over-bar pull up
EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Legless Rope Climb
For Time
50 Double Push Press 50/35
50 Chest to Bar
Front Squat
5×3 (start around 85% of 1RM)
3 Round For Time
20 Wall ball
20 Sit up
15 Kipping ring dip
Squat Clean
5×3 @80%
4 Round
10 Box jump over
10 Overhead Squat
2 Muscle up (Alternate round Between ring and bar)
4 Round For Time
Run 400m
4 Rope Climb
8 Puush Jerk 60/40
Time cap: 9 minutes
21 deadlifts (weight 1)
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts (weight 1)
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts (weight 1)
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk
15 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk
9 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk
(Ages 16-54)
Men deadlift 225 lb. then 315 lb.
Women deadlift 155 lb. then 205 lb.
(Ages 16-54)
Men deadlift 135 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,
then deadlift 185 lb. and bear crawl
Women deadlift 95 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,
then deadlift 135 lb. and bear craw
EMOM 10 Minutes
1 Squat Clean and Jerk @80% 1RM
AMRAP 20 Minutes
30 Lunges
20 Push up
10 Hang Clean 50/35
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)