WOD 16.07.18
Box Squat
6×3 @ 80%+
Burpee Box Over
Sit Ups
Box Squat
6×3 @ 80%+
Burpee Box Over
Sit Ups
Bench Press
5×4 @ 85%+ 2RM
AMRAP 15 Minutes
7 Deadlift 100
50′ Farmers Carry 25/15 each arm
7 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Overhead Squats
7×2 75-85%
3 Second Pause in the bottom each rep
3 Rounds
10 Overhead Squats 60/40
20 Push ups
30 Box Jump Overs
Power Snatch
7×3 Touch and Go
5 Rounds
10 Lateral Burpees
100 DU
Sumo Deadlift
5×3 As Heavy As Possible
No Bounce – Silent
AMRAP 10 Minutes
10 Thrusters 40/25
10 KB Swings 24/16
EOMOM for 16 Minutes
2 Squat Clean and Split Jerk
75%+ 1RM
3 Rounds:
15 Clean and Jerk 60/40
25 Toes to Bar
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)