WOD 17.05.17
Squat Clean 5×3 Perfect reps only Triples can be successfully done between 60 and 90% 8 Rounds 1:00 on, 1:00 off Max Double Unders Max Burpees to Alternate Movements
Primo Box CrossFit a Lecce
Squat Clean 5×3 Perfect reps only Triples can be successfully done between 60 and 90% 8 Rounds 1:00 on, 1:00 off Max Double Unders Max Burpees to Alternate Movements
Split Jerk 5×3 Perfect reps only Triples can be successfully done between 60 and 90% AMRAP 20 Minutes 9 Squat Cleans 70/50 12 Toes to Bar 15 Push ups
Deadlift 4×4 @60-85% of 1RM “Helen” 3 Rounds: Run 400m 21 Kettlebell Swings 12 Pull-Ups
Handstand Push ups Practice 5 Rounds: 60 Double Unders 12 Kipping Ring Dips Rest :60
High Power Clean 5×3 Every 5 Minutes for 15 Minutes Run 800m Max Rep Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Back Squat 3×5@75-85% 12′ AMRAP 12 Front Rack Lunges 40/30 9 Lateral Burpees 6 Push Press 40/30
Squat Snatch 6×2 Perfect reps only Double can be successfully done between 60 and 95% 3 Rounds: 10 Thrusters 50/30 10 Box Jump 10 Kb snatch
For Time: 80 Alternating Pistols 40 Handstand Push Ups Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes 50 Double Unders 15 Sit Ups
For Time 21-15-9-6 C2B Kb Swings
Deadlift 4×4 @60-82.5% of 1RM 3 Rounds: 100 Double Unders 25 Toes to Bar Rest :90
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)