WOD 25.03.17
Bench press 4×7@65% 5 Rounds for Time: 30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg 50 Double-Unders Scale the Double-Unders to 50 Singles or 20 attempts as needed.
Primo Box CrossFit a Lecce
Bench press 4×7@65% 5 Rounds for Time: 30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg 50 Double-Unders Scale the Double-Unders to 50 Singles or 20 attempts as needed.
Crossfit Open 17.4 As many reps as possible in 13 mins of: 55 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs 55 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs 55 Row Calories 55 Handstand Push-ups
5′ EMOM SNATCH 85% x 2 20 AMRAP 10 Kb Swings 24/16 15 Air Squats 5 Pullups EMOM
5’EMOM CLEAN & JERK 85% x 2 4 Rounds For Time 20 Wall Balls 9/6 5 Strict Pull ups 20 Pushups
FRONT SQUAT 5RM For Time 30 Deadlifts 80/60 30 Push Press 60/40 15 Deadlifts 15 Push Press
PUSH PRESS 5RM Five rounds for time of: 20 Burpees 1 Back Squat 120/80 3 Cleans 70/50 5 Push Jerks 70/50 3 Toes to Bar
René 7 rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 21 walking lunges 15 pull-ups 9 burpees
DEADLIFT 6×3 @ 85% 10 Rounds for time of: 5 Wall-Ball 9/6 3 Handstand Push-ups 3 Toes to Bar
6’EMOM 2 SNATCH @ 80% 10 AMRAP 10 Thrusters 45/35 10 Ring Dips 10 Double Unders
FRONT SQUAT 5RM Isabel 30 Snatches 60/40 then 4 Rounds For Time 40 Lunges with BB OH 40/30 20 KB Swings 24/16
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)