Pubblicati da CrossFit Lecce

WOD 16.02.17

6’EMOM 5 Kipping Pullups Scaled/Band/Box 6 x 1-5 reps For Time 100 DU 40 KB Swings 24/16 20 Burpees 20 Box Jumps 20 Burpees 40 KB Swings 100 DU

WOD 15.02.17

FRONT SQUAT 5RM 95% x 90% x 5 6 AMRAP 2 Rounds 1 Minute Break between Rounds 20 American Kettlebell Swings 24/16 20 Jump Switch Lunges 10 Ring Dips 10 Overhead Squats 40/30

WOD 10.02.17

7’EMOM CLEAN & JERK 75% x 2 For Time 21 Sumo Deadlift HighPull 50/35 21 Toes to Bar 15 DU 15 Sumo Deadlift HighPull 15 Burpees 15 DU 9 Sumo Deadlift HighPull 9 Toes to Bar 15 DU 15 Sumo Deadlift HighPull 15 Burpees 15 DU 21 Sumo Deadlift HighPull 21 Toes to Bar