Pubblicati da CrossFit Lecce

WOD 19.05.16

Hang snatch EMOM for 6 minutes 4 reps, ascending 5 rounds for time: Run 200m 20 Back rack walking lunges/reverse lunges 30/20 20 Sit-ups

WOD 17.05.16

Kipping/beat swing practice, then: 12 min E2MOM, pick one combo to perform each minute: Combo 1: 2 Beat swings/1 muscle up/1+ Ring dips Combo 2: 4 Beat swings/2 kipping pull-ups/2+ Bar dips Combo 3: 4 Strict/banded pull-ups/4 Triceps push-ups 20 Chest to bar pull-ups 30 Push press 30/20 20 Box jumps 15 Chest to bar […]

WOD 16.05.16

Front Squat 6×3, every 90s at 85% Tabata Mash-up 6 rounds 20 on, 10 off of the following 5 exercises: Air squats Alternating DB snatches Push-ups V-ups Burpees

WOD 14.05.16

With a running clock: 0-10 mins: 5 Rounds: 15 Deadlift (60/40) 50 Double Unders 10-20 mins: 30 Ground to Overhead (50/35) 30 Burpee over Bar 20-30 mins: 27-21-15-12-9 reps: Air Squats *after each set: 3 Strict HSPU

WOD 13.05.16

Front Squat 1RM 10 EMOM: alternating 3 Front Squat 15 Wallballs INCREASE OR DECREASE WEIGHT AS REQUIRED FOR 3 Heavy Reps Across. 30 Muscle Ups for time OR 50 Burpee C2B PullUps for time.

WOD 10.05.16

Tabata Goblet Squat Hold 20s Hold the Bottom of a Goblet Squat 10s Hold the Top of the Goblet Squat Back Squat 3×5 @ 90 to 100% of your 7RM AMRAP 5 Ascending Ladder: 2,2,4,4,6,6 etc. Toes to Bar Hang Power Snatch (50/35) Cash out: 50 Russian Twists 50 SitUps 50 Russian Twists


10 mins to establish both: Thruster – 1RM – From the Floor Max number of Strict C2B PullUps 4 RFT 20 KB swings 24/16 10 Box jump overs