Pubblicati da CrossFit Lecce

WOD 22.04.16

Front Squat 3RM 5 Round of : 50/40/30 Air Squat in 1 min 60 sec Max Burpees rest 3 Mins between round Score is Max Burpees Choose from one of the squat rep schemes and try and stick with it over the 5 rounds.

WOD 19.04.16

Back Squat 1RM 5 Mins Max Pull Ups 5 Mins Max Thrusters (40/30) With a partner. One person working at a time. Alternating as you see fit. Deadlift 3×10

WOD 16.04.16

20′ Practice Ring MU For time 35 Box jumps 35 KB swing 35 Push-ups 35 KB swing 35 Sit-ups 35 KB swing 35 Body row 35 KB swing 35 Dips 35 D.U.

WOD 15.04.16

Shoulder Press 3-3-3@85% For time Partner WOD 60 Cleans (40/30) 60 Squats 60 Sit-ups 60 Thrusters (40/30) 60 Burpees One player works while other holds plank position. Partition workload as needed.