Pubblicati da CrossFit Lecce

WOD 04.03.16

WORKOUT 16.2 Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb. If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb. If completed before 8 minutes, […]

WOD 03.03.16

Front Squat 3-3-3@85% 3 Rounds For Time: 20 Wall Balls (9/6) 20 Alternating Overhead Plate Lunges (20/10) 20 Alternating Single Arm DB Power Snatch

WOD 26.02.16

2 Rounds 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest Bicycle crunches Reverse Crunches w/ straight leg extension (don’t touch the ground) Situps 3 RFT 10 Deadlifts (50/40) 10 Front Squats (50/40) 10 Burpees Directly into… 21-15-9: Kb Swings (24/16) Double Unders

WOD 24.02.16

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3@80% 5′ AMRAP 5 Hand Release Push ups 5 Power Clean (40/30) 1’rest 5′ AMRAP 5 Dips 5 SDHP (40/30) 1’rest 5′ AMRAP 5 Pull Ups 5 Push Press (40/30)