WOD 23.03.15
Snatch 1 RM 20′ AMRAP 5 inverted Burpees 10 Pull ups 15 Squats
Primo Box CrossFit a Lecce
Snatch 1 RM 20′ AMRAP 5 inverted Burpees 10 Pull ups 15 Squats
Bench press 5-5-3-3-1-1 10 Rounds for time 10 Front squats 5 Burpees
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 @ 90 % 15′ AMRAP 30 Wall ball 25 Box jumps 20 Kb swings 15 Burpees
Push press 3-3-3 @ 85 % 10′ AMPAR 20 Push ups 15 Deadlifts 10 Sit ups
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 @ 80 % 5 Rounds Push press 10-20-30-40-50 Air squats 50-40-30-20-10
Clean & Jerk 4-4-4-4-4 @ 75 % 10 Rounds for time: 5 Thrusters 30 Double unders
Front squat 1 RM 12′ EMOM First minute: 7 wall balls Second minute: 14 V-ups Third minute: 21 Kb swings Then… 3′ AMRAP Burpees
20′ AMRAP 15 Sit ups 10 Kb swings 5 Pull ups
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 @ 90% 10′ AMRAP 3 Clean 6 Front squats 9 Ring dips
Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 @ 80% 12′ AMRAP Burpees Push press do one rep of each exercise the first round, then two reps, then three reps and so on, until time is up.
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)