Sabato 9.10.21
For Time 20 Power Cleans 40/25 20 Box Jumps 20 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 20 Over-the-Bar Burpees 100 Double-unders 20 Over-the-Bar Burpees 20 Kettlebell Swings 20 Box Jumps 20 Power Cleans
Primo Box CrossFit a Lecce
For Time 20 Power Cleans 40/25 20 Box Jumps 20 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 20 Over-the-Bar Burpees 100 Double-unders 20 Over-the-Bar Burpees 20 Kettlebell Swings 20 Box Jumps 20 Power Cleans
Deadlift 5×5@70% 4 Rounds For Time 15 HSPU 12 Alt DB Snatch 22/15 9 C2B
4’AMRAP 20 HPS 30/25 15 T2B Rest 2′ 4’AMRAP 20 Wall Ball 9/6 15 T2B Rest 2′ 4’AMRAP 20 HPS 30/25 15 T2B Rest 2′ 4’AMRAP 20 Wall Ball 9/6 15 T2B
3 Rounds For Time 8 S. Clean 60/40 12 BBJ 400 mt Run
SD+HPS+SS 1+1+1@55% 1+1+1@60% 1+1+1@65% 1+1+1@70% 10 Rounds For Time 250/200 mt Row 15 R. KB Swings 32/24
Push Press 5×5@70% 12’AMRAP 10 Jumping air squat 10 Push Ups 10 Jumping Lunges 10 Sit Ups
Deadlift 5 RM 10’ AMRAP 3-6-9 ecc STOH KB Swings 32/24
CD+HPC+SC 1+1+1@50% 1+1+1@55% 1+1+1@60% 1+1+1@65% 5 Rounds For Time 45 DU 15 HR Push Ups
10’ Accumulation 5 Strict PU 5 Kipping o Butterfly PU 5 C2B 5 MU For Time 1000 mt Row 10 Burpees 10 Ring Dips 20 Thrusters 20/15 700 mt Row 10 Burpees 10 Ring Dips 20 Thrusters 20/15 400 mt Row 10 Burpees 10 Ring Dips 20 Thrusters 20/15
Back Squat 5 RM 12’ AMRAP 50 Deadlift 80/60 40 T2B 30 Wall Ball 9/6 20 Box Jumps In the remaining Time max HSPU Scale weigth @40-65% of 1RM
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)