WOD 20.6.20
Deadlifts 5-4-3-2-1-1 For Time 1000 mt Row 400 mt Run 500 mt Row 400 mt Run
Primo Box CrossFit a Lecce
Deadlifts 5-4-3-2-1-1 For Time 1000 mt Row 400 mt Run 500 mt Row 400 mt Run
For Time 40 Shoulder To Overhead 40/30 35 Russian Kb Swings 32/24 30 Cal Row 25 Power Snatch 20 MU 25 Power Snatch 30 Cal Row 35 Russian Kb Swings 40 Shoulder To Overhead
Elizabeth For Time 21-15-9 Squat Clean 60/40 Ring Dips
Kipping Pull Up 3 x Max Rep Every 2 Minute For 16′ 10 Burpees 10 T2B Max Air Squat in remaining time
20’AMRAP 800 mt Row 60 Wall Ball 9/6 50 DU 40 Sit Ups 30 Push Ups 20 Box Jumps
Snatch 5-4-3-2-1-1 For Time 21-15-9 Deadlifts 80/60 Pull Ups
For Time 5km Run Scaled 30′ max distance Run
For Time 3 Rounds 10 Strict Pull Ups 10 Kipping HSPU Rest 3′ 3Rounds 10 Strict HSPU 10 Kipping C2B
2 Tabata Single Arm Plank Glute Bridge Single Arm Plank Flutter Kicks For Time 1000/800 mt Row 30 Wall Ball 9/6 800/600 mt Row 30 Kb Swings 24/16 600/400 mt Row 30 Wall Ball 400/200 mt Row 30 Kb Swings
Deadlifts 3×7@70% 6’AMRAP 5 Push Press 60/40 100 DU Strainght into 6’AMRAP 5 Push Press 60/40 10 Burpee Box Jumps
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)