Pubblicati da CrossFit Lecce

Home Wod 23.05.20

Warm Up Every 3 Minutes for 12 Minutes Run 400m “Rest” in forward fold Then 1:00 Per Side, Doorway Stretch Workout For Time 30-25-20-15-10-5 Burpees to Target AFAP Rest 3:00 after the 30, 25, then only 1:00 after the 20, 15 and 10.

Home Wod 22.05.20

Warm Up 5 Inchworms 1:00 Plank 5 Inchworms 1:00 Side Plank 5 Inchworms 1:00 Side Plank Workout For Time 50-40-30-20-10 Dumbbell Snatch Sit Ups Extra 4 Rounds 30 Russian Twists w/ DB/KB/Plate/or less Rest 2:00

Home Wod 20.05.20

Warm Up 20 Spidermans 1:00 Wrist Stretch 20 Spidermans 1:00 Puppy Dog Stretch 20 Spidermans 100 Jump Rope Workout 15 Rounds For Time 10 Jumping Lunges 10 DB Push Presses 30″ rest

Home Wod 19.05.20

Warm Up 5:00 Run then, 30 High Knees (in place) 30 Butt Kicks (in place) 30 Leg Swings (front-to-back) 30 Leg Swings (side-to-side) Workout Every 5 Minutes for 25 Minutes Run 400m/300m AFAP Extra Accumulate 7:00 in the top of a Perfect Push Up

Home Wod 18.05.20

Warm Up 3 Rounds 10 Lunges 10 Back Hipers 10 Jumping Jacks then 2:00 Pigeon Stretch (each side) Workout 5 Rounds 20 KB/DB Goblet Step Ups 20 KB Swings or DB Hang Snatches 20 Box Jumps or jump overs Extra Alternating Tabata* 1: Flutter Kicks 2: Sit Ups