WOD 19.03.18
Squat Clean 5×3 @80% 4 Round 10 Box jump over 10 Overhead Squat 2 Muscle up (Alternate round Between ring and bar)
Primo Box CrossFit a Lecce
Squat Clean 5×3 @80% 4 Round 10 Box jump over 10 Overhead Squat 2 Muscle up (Alternate round Between ring and bar)
4 Round For Time Run 400m 4 Rope Climb 8 Puush Jerk 60/40
WORKOUT 18.4 Time cap: 9 minutes 21 deadlifts (weight 1) 21 handstand push-ups 15 deadlifts (weight 1) 15 handstand push-ups 9 deadlifts (weight 1) 9 handstand push-ups 21 deadlifts (weight 2) 50-ft. handstand walk 15 deadlifts (weight 2) 50-ft. handstand walk 9 deadlifts (weight 2) 50-ft. handstand walk Rx’d: (Ages 16-54) Men deadlift 225 lb. […]
EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Squat Clean and Jerk @80% 1RM AMRAP 20 Minutes 30 Lunges 20 Push up 10 Hang Clean 50/35
EMOM for 20 Minutes 2 Strict Pull up 4 Strict Deficit Handstand Push up (4-8″) Alternate movements each round
Front Squat 4×4 (start around 80%) 6 Round For Time 5 Muscle up 5 Thruster 40/25 5 Power Snatch 40/25
5 Round For Time 12 Burpees 16 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges 22.5/15 12 kipping HSPU
For Time 10 Bar MUscle up 20 Front Squat 10 Bar MUscle up 30 Shoulder to Overhead 10 Bar MUscle up 20 Front Squat 10 Bar MUscle up
Open 18.2 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Dumbbell Squat Bar facing burpee Then, WORKOUT 18.2a: 1 rep max clean 12 minute cap for 18.2 and 18.2a
EMOM 10:00 1 Squat Clean and Jerk @80% 5 Round 20 Wallball 10 Box jump
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)