WOD 18.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceEMOM 14 Alternating
1 Min: 1 Hang Snatch, Ascending
1 Min: 5 Strict Handstand Push Ups [Deficit as needed] – Scale with DB Strict Press If you fail, finish EMOM at 85% of Best
5 Rounds
20 KB Swing 24/16
10 Push Up
CrossFit Kids baseball: forward roll, bear-crawl to first base, lunge- walk to second base, roving-plank to third base, grapevine to home base and throw a dodgeball into a tire.
Push press—wall drill: facing a wall, perform push presses with elbows slightly touching the wall.
3 rounds of:
7 ring row
3 box jump up and overs (12 in. or less)
7 push presses
10 m backpedal
WOD 17.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce15.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 14.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 13.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 12.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 11.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 10.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 08.10.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceINTERESTING LINKS
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)