WOD 05.07.16

Back Squat
Across with a challenging weight or Ascending to something tough, challenge yourself or 3 sets of 10.

3 rounds for time:
15 Burpees to a target
9 Squat clean 30/20

Rest 2 min

3 rounds for time:
12 Burpees onto plate
12 Power clean 40/30

Rest 2 min

3 rounds for time:
9 Bar Facing Burpee
15 Hang power clean 50/40

WOD 29.06.16

30′ EMOM
1 Min 2 Hang Power Snatch, Ascending
1 Min 3 Muscle Up [3 to 6 Ring Dips AND 3 to 6 Chest to Bar Pull Up]
1 Min 20 Sit Ups

If you fail a snatch finish the E.M.O.M at 85% of your best.