WOD 11.06.16

Spend 10 Minutes working on Toe to Bar before setting up the remainder of the movements for the met-con.

12 Burpee Over Bar
9 Toe To Bar
6 Hang Power Clean (70/50)
3 Shoulder to Overhead (70/50)

WOD 09.06.16

Overhead Squat
3RM From Rack

3 Deficit [6inch] Strict Handstand Push Up [DB Strict Press]
6 DB Snatch
9 Box Jump

RX is two 45 pound bumper plates, which should equal 6 inches.

Cash Out
4 Rounds
20s LS Side Plank
20s RS Side Plank
20s L-Sit

WOD 08.06.16

E.2.M O.M 16 [8 Sets]
1 Snatch, Starting at 75% Ascending by %5 until Failure
10 Bar Facing Burpee
When You fail, drop weight to 80% of best and finish out the EMOM

1 Minute Max Burpee
Rest 3 Minutes
1 Min Max Calories on Rower

WOD 07.06.16

Back Squat

For Time
60 Double Under
30 Pull Up
20 Pistol
30 Double Under
20 Pull Up
10 Pistol
60 Double Under

Cash Out:
100m to 200m Of Unweighted Walking Lunges
[Try and go unbroken for at least 100]

WOD 06.06.16

E.M.O.M 10 [5 Rounds]
1 Min: 10 to 20 SLOW Russian Twist
1 Min: 8-12 DB/KB Thruster, Ascending if 12 is hit.

For Time:
800m run
30 Shoulder Press 40/30
800m run
25 Push Press 60/40
800m run
20 Push Jerks 80/50

One Bar, Change own weight.