WOD 13.06.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 11.06.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceSpend 10 Minutes working on Toe to Bar before setting up the remainder of the movements for the met-con.
12 Burpee Over Bar
9 Toe To Bar
6 Hang Power Clean (70/50)
3 Shoulder to Overhead (70/50)
WOD 10.06.06
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 09.06.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 08.06.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 07.06.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 06.06.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceWOD 03.06.16
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce4 Rounds
25 Hand Release Push Ups
400m Run
75 Air Squat
WOD 01.06.06
/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceINTERESTING LINKS
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)