WOD 20.05.15


8 x 200 mt.

rest 45” seconds between intervals.


Push press


do one rep of each exercise the first round, then two reps, then three reps, and so on, until time is up.

WOD 14.05.15

Front Squat

3-3-3 @ 85 %

Every minute on the minute for max rounds

5 Clapping push ups

15 Kb swings

each minute thereafter add 1 rep to push ups, continue until failure.

3 x max T2B

3 x max Ring dips

WOD 12.05.15

Back squat

4-4-4-4-4 @ 75 %

For max rep

10′ time cap

30 Clean (30/20 kg)

30 Clean (40/30 kg)

30 Clean (50/40 kg)

max rep Clean (60/50 kg)