WOD 13.04.15


1 RM

For Time:

800 mt Run

21 Pull ups

21 Goblet squats

400 mt Run

15 Pull ups

15 Goblet squats

200 mt Run

9 Pull ups

9 Goblet squats

WOD 03.04.15

images (6)

Front squat

3-3-3-3-3 @ 80 %

Max round in 12 minutes

5 Cleans

1-3-5-7.., Wall ball

continue adding 2 reps to the wall balls each successive round until failure or time expires.

WOD 02.04.15


Clean & Jerk

3-3-3 @ 85 %


3 Push press

6 Kb swings

3 Push press

9 Kb swings

3 Push press

12 Kb swings

6 Push press

15 Kb swings

6 Push press

18 Kb swings

6 Push press

21 Kb swings

etc., following some pattern