WOD 15.10.18
Back Squat
1 RM
3 Rounds:
100 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans 50/35
18 Chest to Bar
Back Squat
1 RM
3 Rounds:
100 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans 50/35
18 Chest to Bar
Hang Clean (below knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
2 Reps @ 85%+
Jerk the last rep
For Time
21 DB Snatch
200m Run
15 Kb Swings
200m Run
9 T2B
200m Run
Back Squat
If you made all your lifts at 3×3 last week, increase the weight
AMRAP 5 Minutes x 3
1 Round of “DT”
1 Round of “Cindy”
Rest 2:00 Between Rounds
*DT: 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks 70/45
*Cindy: 5 Pull ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats
4 Rounds:
200m Run
25 Dumbbell Snatch 22,5/15
15 Ring Dips
Hang Snatch (below knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
2 Reps @ 85%+
Heavier than last week
AMRAP 15 Minutes
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
6 Dumbbell Box Step Overs 22,5/15
12 DB Push Press 22,5/15
Back Squat
5×5 @80%
With a partner
6 Squat Snatch 60/40
18/12 Calorie Row
Back Squat
3×3 @92.5%
Every 4:00 x 4
*Rest remainder
25 Deadlift 50/35
15 Burpees
25 Box Jump
Hang Clean (below knee)
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
3 Reps @ 70%+
Jerk the last rep
For Time:
50 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk 22,5/15
100 Double Unders
40 Chest to Bar
100 Double Unders
30/25 Calories Row
100 Double Unders
20 Bar Muscle Ups
AMRAP 20 Minutes
15 Wallballs
10 Ball Sit Ups
5 Bar MU
For Time:
20 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees
18 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees
16 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees
14 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees
12 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees
Bellow are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)