WOD 17.9.18

Back Squat
5×5 @72.5%

AMRAP 6 Minutes
40 Burpees
30 Overhead Squats 40/25
Max Dumbbell Box Step Overs in remaining time (22,5/15)

WOD 15.9.18

Hang Clean
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
3 Reps @ 70%+
Jerk the last rep

AMRAP 12 Minutes
15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
12 Burpees
9 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

WOD 13.9.18

EMOM for 10 Minutes
Complete 10 Push Ups, Unbroken if possible

3 Rounds For Time
400 mt Run
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press 22,5/15 ( each side)
12 T2B

WOD 11.9.18

Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
Hang Snatch
3 Reps @ 70%+
Drop and Reset

5 Rounds:
21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 40/25
5 Ring MU