Martedì 19.7.22

4 x 3:00 ON | 2:00 OFF
12 Hang Power Snatches
12 TTB
Max Reps Wall-Ball Shots in the remaining time.

Rx: 40/30
Master: 30/20
Scaled: 30/20

3 x 10-12 Pendlay Row Tempo 31X1
Rest 1:00

Lunedì 18.7.22

Every 3′ x 4
5 Back Squat
Incrementa il carico fino alla heavy of the day

Partner WOD

For Time
50 Cal

10 Rounds (relay)
10 KB Swings 24/16
35 DU

50 Cal

8 Rounds (relay)
10 S. Arm DB C&J 22,5/15
12 Push Ups

Sabato 16.7.22

Partner Wod
150 DU (75 Each Player)
25 Sync Alt. DB Snatches
25 Sync DB Goblet Squats
25 Sync TTB

✔️Rx: 1×20/15
✔️Master: 1×15/10
✔️50+: 1×15/10
✔️Scaled: 1×10/5