WOD 08.05.18
Power Clean to Push Jerk
For Time
25 Strict Handstand push up
50 BJ
75 Wall ball
100 DU
WOD 07.05.18
5×3 @75-85% 1RM
EMOM 10 Minutes
3 Bar Muscle up
Max Air Squat in :20
WOD 27.04.18
EMOM 12 Minutes
1 rep @70-80%
4 Round For Time
25 Pull up
25 Unbroken Overhead Squat
Rest :90
WOD 26.04.18
2 Round For Time
100 Squat
20 Push up
50 BJ
20 Push up
WOD 24.04.18
Power Clean to Push Jerk
For Time
45 Pull up
45 Thruster 40/25
400m Run
WOD 23.04.18
5×3 @70-82.5%
AMRAP 10 Minutes
15 Lateral Db burpees
12 Db Snatch
9 V-up