WOD 11.12.17
Find your 1RM “Misfit Clean Complex”
Power Clean, Push Jerk, Front Squat, Hang Squat Clean, Split Jerk
AMRAP 10 Minutes
15 Burpees
15 Handstand Push-Ups
15 Hang Power Snatch 40/25
WOD 07.12.17
Find 1RM Push Press
Every 3 Minutes until failure
15 SDHP 40/30
12 Thrusters 40/30
3 Pull Ups
Rest remainder
WOD 06.12.17
Find a 3RM Back Squat
For Time
30 Burpees
12 Muscle Ups
20 Burpees
9 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
6 Muscle Ups
WOD 05.12.17
1RM Clean and Jerk
5 Round
8 Deadlift 40/30
25 Double Unders
8 Power Cleans 40/30
25 Double Unders
8 Push Jerk 40/30
25 Double Unders
WOD 04.12.17
For Time
30 Box Jumps Over
20 Wall Ball
10 Hanging Knee Raises
20 Wall Ball
30 Box Jumps Over
WOD 02.12.17
Every minute on the minute for max round
First minute- 3x Ground to shoulder 70/55
Second minute- 10x Sit ups
Third minute- 5x Burpees
Every 3 minutes = 1 round. Add 1 rep to all movements each successive round.
Continue doing so until you cannot complete the required number of reps for any of the movements