WOD 18.07.17
Power Clean and Push Jerk
5×5 @ 75%
Complete Reps in Singles
Rest 2 Mins between sets.
For Time:
50 Wallballs
50 DU
50 Power Snatch 35/25
WOD 17.07.17
Back Squat
6×3 @ 80%
For Time
10 Rounds:
10 Overhead Lunge 50/30
10 Lateral Burpees
WOD 15.07.17
Handstand progression
Team 3
200 run team
150 db snatch/handstand hold/rest
200 run
150 t2b/ hold bar/rest
200 run
50 Burpees syncro to plate
WOD 14.07.17
Bench Press
5×4 @ 85%+ 2RM
AMRAP 8 Minutes
3 Ring Muscle Ups
5 Thrusters 60/40
WOD 13.07.17
Power snatch
5 rounds for reps of:
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of wall-ball shots
1 minute of Kb Swings
Rest 1 minute
WOD 12.07.17
Sumo Deadlift
5×3 As Heavy As Possible
No Bounce
AMRAP 15 Minutes
12 Burpees to
9 Overhead Squat 40/30
6 Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 0:60”