WOD 04.01.17 4 gennaio 2017/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LeccePush Press 3 RM/90% x 3 9 RFT 7 Squat Cleans 60/40 7 Box Jumps
WOD 03.01.17 3 gennaio 2017/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LeccePower Clean 1 RM For time 50 Overhead Squat 40/30 50 Kb Swings 24/16 50 Burpees
WOD 02.01.17 2 gennaio 2017/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LeccePower Snatch 1 RM 15′ AMRAP 15 Air Squats 15 Pull ups 15 Push ups
WOD 30.12.16 30 dicembre 2016/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LeccePush press + push jerk 5×1+2, Across 3 rounds: 10 Snatch 60/40 15 Front squat 60/40 30 Double unders
WOD 29.12.16 29 dicembre 2016/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce10 sets of: 3 Strict muscle up Or 3 to 6 Strict chin up + ME L-sit hold [Hollow Hold] Rest 1 min between sets 2 rounds 24 Sit ups 24 Alternating DB snatch 24 SDHP
WOD 28.12.16 28 dicembre 2016/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce4 rounds: 5 min AMRAP: 10 Burpee 5 Squat clean to thruster No rest between AMRAPs Each round, ascend the ladder below. Ladders: Option 1: 30, 40, 50, 60 Option 2: 20, 30, 40, 50 Option 3: 15, 25, 35, 45