WOD 21.06.16 21 giugno 2016/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceAlternating EMOM 15: [5 Rounds] 1 Min: 15 PushUps 1 Min: 10-15 T2B 1 Min: 15 Kb Swings 5 Rounds for Time: 11 Bodyweight Deadlifts 200m Run
WOD 20.06.16 20 giugno 2016/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceBack Squat 6×3 5 Sets of Kipping Practice [Pick One] A) 5 butterfly pullups + 3 Chest 2 Bar + 1 Bar Muscle Up B) 5 Gymnastics Kipping Pullups or Chest 2 Bars + 5 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups C) 5 Beat Swings + 5 Banded PullUps + 10 sec Supine C2B PullUp Hold “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull-ups
WOD 18.06.16 18 giugno 2016/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceFor time 50 Double unders 50 Broad jumps 50 Push-ups 50 Thruster 50 Push ups 50 Pull-ups 50 knees to elbows
WOD 17.06.16 17 giugno 2016/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceDeadlift 5RM 8 rounds for time: 8 Box jumps 8 Hang power cleans (40/30)
WOD 15.06.16 15 giugno 2016/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit LecceSecond Pause front squat 2RM, then 4×2 @ 90% Avoid maxing out. 15 min EMOM, alternating between: 12 SDHP 12 Wall ball 12 Burpees to a target