WOD 11.06.16

Spend 10 Minutes working on Toe to Bar before setting up the remainder of the movements for the met-con.

12 Burpee Over Bar
9 Toe To Bar
6 Hang Power Clean (70/50)
3 Shoulder to Overhead (70/50)

WOD 09.06.16

Overhead Squat
3RM From Rack

3 Deficit [6inch] Strict Handstand Push Up [DB Strict Press]
6 DB Snatch
9 Box Jump

RX is two 45 pound bumper plates, which should equal 6 inches.

Cash Out
4 Rounds
20s LS Side Plank
20s RS Side Plank
20s L-Sit

WOD 08.06.16

E.2.M O.M 16 [8 Sets]
1 Snatch, Starting at 75% Ascending by %5 until Failure
10 Bar Facing Burpee
When You fail, drop weight to 80% of best and finish out the EMOM

1 Minute Max Burpee
Rest 3 Minutes
1 Min Max Calories on Rower