WOD 21.05.16

Back Squat

18 min AMRAP, round for round with a partner:
3 Wall walks
6 Box jump overs
10 Hang power cleans 60/40
14 Bar facing burpees

WOD 19.05.16

Hang snatch EMOM for 6 minutes
4 reps, ascending

5 rounds for time:
Run 200m
20 Back rack walking lunges/reverse lunges 30/20
20 Sit-ups

WOD 17.05.16

Kipping/beat swing practice, then:

12 min E2MOM, pick one combo to perform each minute:
Combo 1: 2 Beat swings/1 muscle up/1+ Ring dips
Combo 2: 4 Beat swings/2 kipping pull-ups/2+ Bar dips
Combo 3: 4 Strict/banded pull-ups/4 Triceps push-ups

20 Chest to bar pull-ups
30 Push press 30/20
20 Box jumps
15 Chest to bar pull-ups
20 Push press 30/20
15 Box jumps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
10 Push-press 30/20
10 Box jumps

WOD 16.05.16

Front Squat 6×3, every 90s at 85%

Tabata Mash-up
6 rounds 20 on, 10 off of the following 5 exercises:
Air squats
Alternating DB snatches