WOD 19.06.15
1-1-1-1-1 @ 90 %
Every minute on the minute for max rounds
1 Box jump
5 Push press
add 1 rep to Box jump each successive minute, continue until failure.
WOD 18.06.15
Bench press
3-3-3-3-3 @ 85 %
9 Pull ups
15 Wall ball
21 D.U.
WOD 17.06.15
9 Rounds for time:
23 Air squat
17 Push ups
6 Deadlifts
WOD 10.06.15
Clean & Jerk
3-3-3-3-3 @ 80 %
For time:
800 mt run
50 Kb swings
50 Sit Ups
400 mt run
40 Kb swings
40 Sit Ups
200 mt run
20 Kb swings
20 Sit Ups
100 mt run
10 Kb swings
10 Sit Ups
WOD 09.06.15
Front squat
4-4-4-4 @ 75 %
5 Rounds for time:
6 Burpees
12 Push press
Cash out
max rep Pull ups
WOD 08.06.15
8 Rounds for Time
20s of work, 10s of rest of each exercise.
Complete each exercise before moving on.
Your score is the Highest and Lowest Amount of reps for each exercise.
Box jumps
Push ups