WOD 16.03.15 16 marzo 2015/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce Front squat 1 RM 12′ EMOM First minute: 7 wall balls Second minute: 14 V-ups Third minute: 21 Kb swings Then… 3′ AMRAP Burpees
WOD 14.03.15 14 marzo 2015/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce 20′ AMRAP 15 Sit ups 10 Kb swings 5 Pull ups
WOD 13.03.15 13 marzo 2015/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 @ 90% 10′ AMRAP 3 Clean 6 Front squats 9 Ring dips
WOD 12.03.15 12 marzo 2015/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 @ 80% 12′ AMRAP Burpees Push press do one rep of each exercise the first round, then two reps, then three reps and so on, until time is up.
WOD 11.03.15 11 marzo 2015/0 Commenti/in Wod /da CrossFit Lecce Push press 3-3-3-3-3 10 Rounds Kb swings 30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Push ups 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30
WOD 10.03.15 10 marzo 2015/0 Commenti/in Senza categoria, Wod /da CrossFit Lecce Deadlift 4-4-4-4-4 @ 75% 10′ EMOM 5 Snatchs Air Squats athlete will complete 5 snatchs at the beginning of each minute and use any remaining time to complete as many Air Squats as possible. Score is total Air Squat.